At my mother's urging, I've decided to participate in Life Book 2014. Life Book is the brain-child of Tamara Laporte and consists of weekly lessons and inspirations to help you grow as an artist and as a person. I haven't gotten access of my own yet, but mom came over the other night and we worked on our week 1 pieces. There was guided meditation (which we kinda failed at because of critter and husband distractions) and then we were supposed to create a picture of our inner art guardian. She (he/it) is supposed to guide us and protect us from criticism and encourage us to continue creating. We were also supposed to choose a word - something we want to focus on in the next year.
I chose "Confidence" because I would like to have more of it. I never believe my work is good enough, I feel like I'm imposing if I try to join a conversation, and I especially don't like "pushing" my work on others. I KNOW mentally that I am a good artist, that people like me, and they like when I share my work, but it's hard to make my inner critic shut up long enough for me to accomplish much sometimes. Please let me know what you think... but be kind, as I'm just starting to work on this confidence thing.